Monday, January 30, 2012

Naming our daughter...

So, one would think that after , ahem, ALOT of years of dreaming of a daughter, that I would have had the perfect name all ready. Not so. I had nothing. Hubby had nothing. We started from square one. For each of my pregnancies we didn't really get into the name thing until we found out the gender of the baby. I'm sure I thought about it a bit, but never seriously until we knew if we were having a boy or a girl. Well, boy, boy and, you guessed it,  another boy. Now we are working on a girls name. We "think" we have it. At least I am sure. G (hubby) has some thoughts but will go along with whatever I choose. He just cannot believe that I haven't had this name picked out since I was about 7. So, as of today we are going with Ella Kate. While Ella has become more popular recently, it is also an old name and I like that. I'm not a fan of some of these new, made up, spelled backward kind of names. Not that they are not good, just not for me. I think Ella is pretty and feminine and will stand the test of time. Same with Kate. It will not be Ella Katherine, just Ella Kate. Will we call her Ella or Ella Kate, not sure. I'm usually not too fond of calling someone by two names, but sometimes it works. In this case it might just work. We will see. So, now our girl has a name. I think :-).

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