Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another day

So we are starting a new day. Another day waiting. Another day hopeful. Another day that I hope does not end in disappointment. Again.
 I will be busy today with a doctors appointment, then hopefully lunch with the girls (and Evan), if not, me and Evan will squeeze in a trip to the mall, then to speech and off to pick up my older boys, then a night of homework. This will all keep me busy today, but it will not stop me from checking my email 500 times. I think that I have unsubscribed to every business that sends me notifications of sales and what not. I may never take advantage of free shipping at Bath and Body Works again. They are outta here. Not to mention countless others. Every time the phone gives me that email notification my heart skips a beat. That can't be good long term. And this has been going on for 75 days. Yep, 75 days. Please let today be the day.


  1. Hang in there Shelley!!!! I hope you hear something soon. It is the most frustrating wait :)
