Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 21 and waiting

Well as of today, we are 21 days into our LOA wait. Hoping the wait isn't long. We have been in the long line for everything with this adoption and I just hope this moves right along. Fast would be fantastic, but I would be tickled with an average wait of about 60 days or so. Please, please. please don't let this be one of those ridiculous waits.  I can't believe we are finally here and waiting for our LOA. It has been a long, long road so far. We first saw our beautiful girl July 5. I can't believe we are now in March.
 Well hubby took the day off tomorrow to paint the boys room. I spent the better part of the day taping the baseboard and around the doors. I think we will do Brandon's room , the hallway and the bathroom tomorrow and  this weekend and move on to Evan/Ella's and Jordans rooms next week. I'm going to have to say that taping up the baseboards has to take longer than the actual painting. On top of that my manicure is a total mess from running my fingers along that tape. The bunk bed (and new t.v. stand, yay) will be delivered Friday. I hope Evan doesn't get too upset giving up his room. We have told him that he would share a room with Brandon, but hearing it and the reality of it might be 2 different things. Evan is usually in my bed anyway so I don't know what he will do.
 Well, off to bed. Evan has speech early tomorrow and then we will help G paint as much as we can. To finish off the day I will go to dinner and do a little shopping with a friend. Great way to end the night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley. Christina sent me the blog link. Wow, I was in tears. I don't know if it is Sofie in the orange. The pigtails look familiar. Hang in there with the LOA wait. It is a tough one. It doesn't get any easier though :) What a ride. Your daughter is beautiful. I met someone on the Yahoo group who is going to Hefei in a few weeks but different orphanage...bummer! I think of you often. Thanks for the wonderful comments on my blog. Hang in will happen soon. I should take my own advice :)
