Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bunk beds are in.

Today is day 26 of our LOA wait. I seem to be okay with the wait up to this point. It gets to me every few days, but this is the stage that I know the wait time will be unpredictable.. I really thought the U.S. side should have moved faster and more efficiently. I hope that I am pleasantly surprised at how the other side works.
 We finally have Brandon and Evan's room painted and the bunk beds are in. Bunk beds should come with a warning that if you are not a world class athlete then putting the fitted sheet on the bottom bunk will wipe you out. Boy, was that a chore. After the beds came, I had to go out an get a new mattress for the top bunk. We were hoping that Brandon's twin mattress from his other bed would work, but it is a pillow top and he would have rolled right off of the bed. A quick trip to Sam's and the problem is solved. The boys just love the bed. Thank goodness.
 We also got our new T.V. stand.  It is really sold as a buffet for a dining room. I thought is was great looking and it is perfect for our den. The only problem is that it is a tad shallow, as it is made for plates, not t.v and stereo equipment. G drilled some well placed holes in the back for the wires to come through and we are good to go. I also could not have been happier with the sales lady at the store. She was not all over us the way the last one was. I was happy for her to get the commission on the sale.
 Here is a picture of the bed, before I got the new top mattress. That's why the top is not made up. Just as well. I was too tired from getting that fitted sheet onto the bottom. I am also adding a pic of our new T.V. stand. It looks a little small in the picture, but it is about 43 inches tall and 70 something wide.

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